Example of Agreement in Person

Agreement in Person: An Example

In English grammar, agreement in person refers to the matching of a verb form with the subject of a sentence. This means that the verb form changes to agree with the person or pronoun that is performing the action. It is important to use the correct verb form in order to avoid grammatical errors and convey a clear message.

Here is an example of agreement in person:

Incorrect: Me and my sister is going to the store.

Correct: My sister and I are going to the store.

In this example, the incorrect sentence uses the verb “is” instead of “are” because it doesn`t agree with the subject of the sentence. The subject is “my sister and I”, which is plural, so the verb form should be “are” to match.

Here is another example:

Incorrect: She don`t like pizza.

Correct: She doesn`t like pizza.

In this example, the incorrect sentence uses the verb “don`t” instead of “doesn`t” because it doesn`t agree with the subject of the sentence. The subject is “she”, which is singular, so the verb form should be “doesn`t” to match.

Agreement in person is important for clear communication and effective writing. By using the correct verb form, you can express your ideas clearly and avoid confusion or misunderstanding. Practice this skill by reviewing the rules for agreement in person and applying them in your writing. With practice, you will become a more effective communicator and improve your writing skills.